Shreveport's Historic Greenwood Cemetery: Echoes in Granite and Marble

Shreveport's Historic Greenwood Cemetery: Echoes in Granite and Marble

Greenwood Cemetery is resplendent in its gardenlike setting, gently rolling hills, sharply edge bluffs, impressively carved monuments and row after row of military gravestones. It is a social laboratory that helps people get to know who was here before and what their families wish future generations to remember about them. Visitors can find heroes and villains, mayors, bankers, industrialists, artists, the well-to-do and the forgotten. Some monuments are fascinating simply for their carved angels; others are poignant in their descriptions of lives cut short. All the markers have a story to tell. This book tells many of them. it offers a history and tour of Shreveport's historic Greenwood Cemetery. Stroll through Greenwood with one of the city's most knowledgeable historians, Dr. Gary Joiner, and learn about those who rest here. The book includes nearly 100 images, a map and GPS navigation points for those who wish to walk it for themselves. 

Gary D. Joiner, PhD

The History Press 2023 ISBN: 9781467152402

Dr. Gary Joiner